State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:17 PM

Women between the ages 16-24 experience domestic violence more than any other age group. Thirty percent of teens are abused, and “exhibit increased rates of substance abuse, high-risk sexual behaviors, eating disorders and suicidality.” (cited in: State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008).


Break the Cycle, a California NGO centered on ending domestic and dating violence and promoting healthy relationships among teens, issued a report that assesses “the climate of each state’s civil domestic violence restraining order laws and their impact on teens seeking protection from abusive relationships.” (cited in: State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008).


The report found laws of three states successful and fifteen states unsuccessful in addressing teen dating violence issues. The scale, ranging from A through F, is based on aspects of the law that are positive, negative, and unacceptable. Minnesota received a B because “it makes protective orders reasonably accessible to teens.” (cited in: State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008).


With the publication of this report, "Break the Cycle hopes these grades will spur action among state legislatures throughout the country and activism among our nation’s youth,” and that “the needs of minor victims be specifically addressed within state domestic violence statutes.” (cited in: State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008).


Compiled from: "State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card 2008," Break the Cycle, 7 July 2007.