The Online Women's Forum in Central and Eastern Europe will be facilitating a series of month-long discussions on various issues related to women's rights, including women and EU enlargement, women and war, employment and other topics. The goal of this project is to provide an online forum for people to share ideas and experiences in gender issues in the region. The primary language of the discussions is English, but Russian may be accomodated upon request. "The CEE Online Women’s Forum is looking for women’s activists, organisations, and researches from the region which would like to take a lead in moderating one or more of these online discussions within their area of competency and interest. All prospective moderators are welcome to suggest their own discussion topics and promote their initiatives, campaigns and projects." (cited from: Announcements: Calls for co-operation on the CEE Online Women's Forum, Online Women's Forum, 9 March 2005)
For more information on leading a discussion, please contact .
Compiled from: Announcements: Calls for co-operation on the CEE Online Women's Forum, CEE Online Women's Forum, 9 March 2005.