Two New Publications on Trafficking in the Ukraine from Winrock International
Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:30 PM

Winrock International has been engaged in the fight against human trafficking for over six years and has received acclaim for its methodologies for reducing trafficking through innovative means. Winrock’s anti-trafficking programs operate on the belief that trafficking can be combated by empowering one individual at a time while simultaneously working to affect change in government and community responses.

Through its Human Trafficking Prevention Program, Winrock is releasing two new publications from its Trafficking Prevention Program in Ukraine. These publications are the result of our pioneering experience implementing human trafficking prevention projects in the former Soviet Union.

Winning Strategies: Trafficking Prevention Project in Ukraine – Best practices and innovative approaches are highlighted in this report that addresses the two factors that contribute to growth in human trafficking – lack of economic opportunity and violence against women. It offers strategies for empowering women, strengthening the capacity of nongovernmental organizations to serve those at risk, increasing public awareness and developing collaborative partnerships between organizations and governmental agencies.

Helping Survivors of Human Trafficking – Law enforcement officials, social workers, health care providers and organizations requested information to better serve the needs of victims of trafficking. This survivor-focused guide offers effective strategies for addressing problems survivors face, strategies for survivor support and ethical issues.

These publications can be downloaded for free from these project websites: & A limited number of hard copies of these publications are also available.

For more information on Winrock International’s Human Trafficking Prevention Program and these publications, please contact Amy Heyden ( or Sarah Tweed ( Or contact our office in Virginia at 703.525.9430.

Winrock International works in the United States and more than 65 countries to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resources and protect the environment. Learn more at