The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights recently released its 2008 report on the status of Egyptian women. The report evaluated the current situation for women in Egypt, identifying the particular areas where action is most urgently needed in order to advance women's rights within the country. One problem the report focused on is the prevalence of violence against women. According to the report, honor killings of women account for an alarmingly high percentage of all murders (29%) in Egypt each year. There are also high rates of female circumcision in Egypt, and 2008 saw an increase in the number of rape cases. Additionally, according to a survey cited in the report, one out of every five women in Egypt had been subjected to some form of violence over the year preceding the survey. Half of the women who responded to the survey indicated they believe husbands have the right to beat their wives in some circumstances. The report also relayed numerous accounts of sexual harassment that occurred in Egypt during 2008.
Despite these areas needing improvement, the report noted that a June 2008 law criminalized the practice of female circumcision. The year 2008 also saw increased media and legislative attention paid to the issue of sexual harassment, indicating the recognition of such behavior as a legitimate problem within the country.
To access the full report, please click here.
Compiled from: Report on the Status of Egyptian Women in 2008: Unimplemented Legal Reforms: Egypt's Declining International Reputation, The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights (2008); Egypt - Report on Status of Women 2008, Women's UN Report Network (6 April 2009).