Venice Commission Recommends Human Rights Court for Kosovo
Monday, November 1, 2004 9:25 AM

A press release from the Council of Europe Venice Commission: Strasbourg, 15.10.2004

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has proposed setting up a Human Rights Court in Kosovo as part of a programme of measures designed to improve human rights protection for its citizens. Since 1999 Kosovo has been administered by several international organisations, including the United Nations, the OSCE and NATO, all of which are immune to legal claims of human rights abuses. In a new report the Venice Commission concludes that Kosovo now needs independent mechanisms for reviewing human rights, although it acknowledges that the interim administration is fully committed to respecting human rights standards. As well as a Human Rights Court, the Venice Commission suggests setting up independent advisory boards for UNMIK and KFOR, to complement the protection already offered, in particular by the Kosovo Ombudsperson. Where the Ombudsperson has found human rights breaches but has not persuaded UNMIK to assume accountability, cases would be brought before the Panel. The latter's opinion would be made public in three languages. Also, the Venice Commission proposes to establish a special Chamber of the Supreme Court with the power to review individual human rights cases with regard to the provisional institutions of self government (PISG).

Cited from: Venice Commission Recommends Human Rights Court for Kosovo, Council of Europe, 15 October 2004.

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