In a new report, Womens Empowerment, Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals, the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) analyzes the eight goals of the MDG's Millennium Declaration in relation to womens human rights. Of the eight goals, only one specifically calls for the promotion of gender equality and womens empowerment. However, other goals are closely linked to womens rights, targeting extreme poverty, primary education, child mortality, maternal health, HIV/AIDS and other diseases, environmental sustainability, and development partnerships. Taken together, the eight goals, intended to remedy the above global imbalances by 2015, are described by the report as an additional means to monitor the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Despite the progressive nature of these goals, the report underscores that any governmental attempt to promote the MDG's must stem from an analysis and understanding of the different positions of women and men in society. The report encourages readers to lobby their governments to ensure such perspective is taken into consideration. In addition, the report urges women's organizations to submit progress reports on governmental action in relation to the MDG's for MDG's review, as many of the government issued reports continue to be generated by male authorities. Tracking implementation of measures necessary to meet the MDG targets, developing a local version of the MDG's and bringing stakeholders together to review country-wide implementation processes are suggested means to build non-governmental reporting systems. The report includes a number of resources to which readers can refer.
To view the report, click here.
Compiled from: Womens Empowerment, Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals, Women's Environment and Development Organization, (2004).