Expressing concern that victims of family violence are denied justice because of a culture of silence, Amnesty International has released a new report on domestic violence in Armenia entitled No Pride in Silence: Countering Family Violence in Armenia. The report calls upon the Armenian authorities to take action to fulfil their obligations under international human rights law to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of women and girls to lead lives without fear of violence.
The report notes that despite recommendations in 2000 that the Armenian government should provide victims of domestic violence with equal and effective access to the criminal justice system and redress for the harm they have suffered, such access and redress for victims of domestic violence remain unfulfilled.
Amnesty recognizes the existence of a draft law on domestic violence initiated by the Women's Right Center, but notes that the law "can only be one of a range of measures that Armenia must adopt to fulfil its obligations to protect women from violence and ensure their access to justice and redress." It should be noted that the draft law continues to undergo revision even since the information upon which Amnesty's report is based.
Amnesty recommends, inter alia, that the Republic of Armenia also implement the concluding recommendations made by the CEDAW committee in 2002, comply with reporting procedures of relevant UN treaty bodies, enact a national action plan dedicated to ending violence against women, ensure long-term funding for such efforts, establish viable judicial mechanisms, housing for victims, and collaboration within the government and with non-governmental organizations. Amnesty also makes specific recommendations to the police, Ministry of Justice and Prosecutor General's Office.
To read the entire report, click here. (PDF, 52 pages).
To read Domestic Violence in Armenia published in 2000 by The Advocates for Human Rights, click here. (PDF, 53 pages).
To learn more about work on the draft domestic violence law, please see:
Compiled from: No Pride in Silence: Countering Family Violence in Armenia, Amnesty International, (13 November 2008). (PDF, 52 pages).