30 September 2005 Today, before the Special Department of the Belgrade District Court, a trial chamber composed of judges Dicic, Albijanic and Tatalovic, has made a judgment for the offence human trafficking pursuant to Article 111b Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia, where the citizens of Ukraine O.N. and E.I. appeared as victims. The trial chamber has pronounced the following sentences:
The organizer of the criminal group, Mladen Dalmacija, tried in absence, has been sentenced to eight years in prison.
Vladimir Dudic has been sentenced to six years, Tatjana Dudic to 4 years and Dragan Andrijasevic to 3 years in prison.
Defendants are evicted of their property acquired through the commission of this crime.
Vladimir Dudic will remain in detention, while Dragan Andrijasevic is free to go until the judgment is made final.
Tatjana Dudic is also free to go until the judgment is made final, but she is forbidden to leave town and her passport has been taken away.
This was the first time that our courts referred to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and supplementing Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children.
Published in:
”Convictions for Trafficking handed down in Serbia,” ASTRA Press Release, 30 September 2005.
Anti Trafficking Action
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