A new report adopted by the European Parliament’s Women’s Rights Committee found that over 500,000 women in Europe, especially refugees and immigrants, have been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). The report highlights various reasons for the prevalence of FGM and incorporates different frameworks for addressing the problem, including the human rights perspective, a women’s rights view, and children’s rights.
The Committee is asking European Union member states to address the problem through immigration and criminal law measures, as well as educational opportunities, in an effort to eliminate the practice of FGM from the region.
A draft of the EP report can be viewed here (PDF, 6 pages).
Compiled from: Stop Female Genital Mutilation, Press Release, European Parliament, 10 February 2009; Working Report on Female Genital Mutilation, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, DT\743436EN.doc, 19 September 2008 (PDF, 6 pages).