The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) released new training material for judges and prosecutors in EU member states and candidate states for accession with the framework "Programme for Elaboration and Implementation of Anti-Trafficking Training Modules for Judges and Prosecutors in EU Member States, Accession and Candidate Countries." The material contains information to raise awareness for judges and prosecutors, as well as serve as a guide for practitioners who come into contact with victims of trafficking. It is structured in three parts:
- Background Reader (which covers most of the information needed by judges and prosecutors)
- Handbook (a summary of the reader)
- Curriculum (designed for trainers in the field to serve as a supplement to the Reader and Handbook)
To request a copy contact:
Elisa Trossero
Programme Manager
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Gonzagagasse 1, 1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 504 46 77 40
Fax +43 1 504 46 77 75
Mob. +43 6991 4202943