International Conference on “Integration of Female Migrant Domestic Workers: Strategies for Employment and Civic Participation”
Monday, January 28, 2008 9:38 AM

28 February, 2008
Nicosia, Cyprus

Organized by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) and the University of Nicosia.

The Deadline for Registration is February 15, 2008.

The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in collaboration with the University of Nicosia will be hosting an international conference within the framework of the transnational project entitled “Integration of Female Migrant Domestic Workers: Strategies for Employment and Civic Participation”, funded under the INTI Preparatory Actions 2005 Programme, European Commission.  This project is being implemented in partnership with LAI-MOMO (Italy), ISIS- Institute for Social Infrastructure (Germany), ANTIGONE - Information & Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence (Greece), CREA (Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities) University of Barcelona (Spain) and The Filipino National Workers Association (Cyprus).

The widespread phenomenon known as the feminization of migration forms a testament to the women that are increasingly migrating for better job prospects. As IOM International Organization for Migration points out, migrant women now constitute approximately 50% of all migrants. Although such migration trends can be empowering for women, on the other hand, due to the nature of employment they usually engage in they are often rendered more vulnerable and susceptible to exploitation and discrimination in the countries of their destination. Specifically, migrant women bear the double brunt of ‘female’ and ‘foreign’ status and are usually confined to low paid, unskilled jobs, traditionally reserved for women, such as domestic labour. Moreover, such occupations often perpetuate situations of modern slavery where female migrant domestic workers are marginalised with regards to civic rights and left unprotected in terms of their employment. Without a shred of doubt, these women require special protection and respect for their labour rights.

The conference will address the need for the development of an integration model responsive to the particular needs of female migrant domestic workers in Europe and will involve the participation of NGO representatives, policy makers from both a local and an EU level, public authorities , as well as representatives of international and local migrant organizations, experts in the field of migration and gender studies, as well as representatives from the five partner European countries: Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Greece and Germany.

To view the agenda and registration form for the conference please see below:

For further information on this conference please contact:

Project Administrator Eleni Skarpari at:

Project Coordinator Josie Christodoulou at:

Tel: ++ 35722 351276 (ext.115 and/or ext.113)
Fax: ++357 22 353682