Mary Kay Inc. has recently paired up with Women’s eNews to present an eight-part series on domestic violence. This series, entitled “Dangerous Trends, Innovative Responses” was created to target the issue of domestic violence. Through the series, multiple issues related to domestic violence will be explored. The first of the series was launched on 1 October 2006; “Hi-Tech Stalking Devices Extend Abusers' Reach” explored the issue of technology and its use in stalking and domestic abuse. The series will be able to raise awareness of issues within domestic violence that might not otherwise be recognized by those not immediately affected.
Mary Kay entered the field of domestic violence research in 2000. The company, headed by women, has always maintained a focus on women. Mary Kay also addresses other women's issues, such as cancer research.
Compiled from: Dangerous Trends, Innovative Responses, Women's ENews, 29 September 2006.