YALTA, Ukraine, 6 September 2007 - A two-day training course on the role of precinct police inspectors in response to domestic violence began in the Ukrainian sea resort of Yalta today.
The course is organized by the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior.
Thirty senior Ukrainian police officers will meet with experts from the Austrian Federal Police and Ministry of Interior to discuss a range of issues, including strategies to address domestic violence, the tasks of police inspectors in preventing domestic violence, the prosecution of perpetrators, and the provision of assistance to victims.
"Combating domestic violence requires not only proper legislation, but also active co-operation between the police, the judicial system, and civil society," said Ambassador James F. Schumaker, OSCE Project Co-ordinator. "This training is an important step in the right direction, and it is possible because this challenge remains high on Ukraine's political agenda."
Participants will receive training on the anatomy of relational violence, situation analysis, the relevance of domestic violence to police work, and learn about the experiences of Austria and other countries in dealing with this issue, including good practices in terms of co-operation between police and NGOs.
The training will be delivered by experts from the Austrian Ministry of Interior. Representatives of Ukrainian NGOs will also participate.
Published in: "Press Release: OSCE Trains Police in Ukraine to Combat Domestic Violence," The Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 6 September 2007.