The Association for Women’s Rights and Development (AWID) International Forum on Women’s Rights and Development took place in Bangkok, Thailand from October 27 through October 30, 2005. The Forum centered around the question “How does change happen?” During the closing remarks for the conference, six women proposed elements of the answer.The answers addressed several areas in which work is needed in order to accomplish change. One of the panelists emphasized the analysis of the effect of economic policies on women. A second mentioned the need to view HIV/AIDS as a global problem, rather than an African problem. Others stressed areas such as sex and sexuality, the environment and food security, using the U.N. effectively, and demanding fair trade practices and economic policies.
The conference ended with optimism. The closing report on the conference states, “[C]hange happens by unleashing the possibility and power that we all have to create a collective and embodied justice.”
Compiled from: "Final Plenary: How Does Change Happen? A Wrap-Up," Kathambi Kinoti, AWID (30 October 2005).