The Links Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking: a Briefing Handbook
Monday, June 5, 2006 3:25 PM
The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) and the European Women's Lobby (EWL) have prepared a handbook to address shortcomings of anti-trafficking programs through a focus on gender equality and demand. Specifically, the handbook addresses: the links between prostitution and trafficking, the importance of programs or policies that are based on gender equality, the legal status of the sex industry, and the male demand for prostitution that promotes sex trafficking. The handbook is intended as a resource for NGOs, governmental groups or other authorities committed to ending sex trafficking and curbing the growth of the sex industry. The handbook is a compilation of ideas, research and arguments to aid organizations in the fight against trafficking in women and prostitution. Compiled from: "The Links Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking: a Briefing Handbook", Monica O'Connor and Grainne Healy, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and European Women's Lobby (2006).