UNIFEM has published a training module designed to aid advocates of gender equality to promote and support the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and United Nations Security Council resolution 1325. Whether an advocate is working through governmental or societal pathways, this training module will help by building capacity and the awareness of the legal documents and offer information and support for the implementation of CEDAW and UNSC resolution 1325. It provides advocates with descriptions of the legal obligations of each document, the ways in which the two documents can be linked together, and suggestions on how to advocate for the implementation of CEDAW and UNSC resolution 1325 at both local and national levels.
The publication is available in English, Russian, Azeri, Armenian, and Georgian. Contact UNIFEM's Commonwealth of Independent States Regional Office to request a copy.
To view the full report in English, please click here (199 pgs. PDF).
Compiled from: Advancing Gender Equality Using CEDAW and UN Security Council resolution 1325, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 2006.