The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour is demanding an independent investigation into the rape of 15 women during an attack in December in Darfur. The victims include a 13-year-old girl and two pregnant women. Arbour's office released a statement that the Commissioner is concerned about the use of rape and violence as a weapon of war. The Commissioner calls for an investigation made up of an independent body that includes women to discover who is responsible for the crimes and make the information public. While the office states that the crimes were carried out by Sudanese militia and government forces, the government claims that rebel groups are responsible. The Sudanese government is believed to be responsible for some of the most heinous crimes carried out since ethnic conflict began in the region in 2003.
Compiled from: "UN rights chief demands probe in Darfur rape cases," Rueters AletNet, 12 April 2007.