The United Nations' Secretary General sent a questionnaire in September to all UN member states regarding violence against women. The information compiled will be used for the violence against women database, as mandated by General Assembly Resolution 61/143 of 2006. Information sought includes domestic laws, data on violence, and measures taken to combat violence against women. The questionnaire is part of the Secretary General’s study on violence against women, which was launched in 2006. It is also a component of the campaign to end violence against women, which runs from February 2008 to 2015, when the UN Millennium Development Goals are to be met.
States are requested to submit responses by 4 January 2009. Information received after that date will be used to update the database.
Compiled from: Violence Against Women Questionnaire to UN Member States, UN Division for the Advancement of Women, last accessed 16 December 2008; United Nations Secretary-General’s coordinated database on violence against women: Questionnaire to Member States, UN Division for the Advancement of Women, September 2008.