Brussels, 11 January 2013 - Members of the European Parliament will have their first plenary session in Strasbourg next week. Ask them to sign Written Declaration 37 requesting the EU to ratify the Council of Europe Convention against Violence Against Women.
Seven women die every day of domestic violence in Europe; women are raped every day, but only 4 to 10% try to find justice due to a persistence of impunity. We need a strong message from the European Parliament that violence against women is not acceptable in the 21st century.
You can use the following message, and find the emails of your MEPs here.
Dear MEP,
2012 has been a key year to initiate strong actions on women’s rights. We count on you to make 2013 as important: during Strasbourg plenary, sign Written Declaration 37 asking the EU to ratify the Council of Europe Convention against Violence Against Women.
Your support will be instrumental: 7 women die every day of domestic violence in Europe; women are raped every day, but only 4 to 10% try to find justice due to a persistence of impunity. We need a strong message from the European Parliament that violence against women is not acceptable in the 21st century.
Thank you very much in advance for your support.
We wish you a very successful year 2013.