In 2020, Human Rights Watch highlighted widespread abuse and neglect faced by people with disabilities in Mexico, particularly within their families and those without adequate government protection. The investigation revealed shelters are largely inaccessible for women with disabilities who are survivors of violence ; it also highlighted the absence of a legal obligation for these shelters to provide for their specific needs. A recent development was the reform to the General Law for Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence was signed into law in early May. The reform advocates for the inclusion of women with disabilities in policies addressing the prevention, prosecution, and sanctioning of violence against women. This achievement is the result of collaborative efforts by women with disabilities organizations, human rights groups, and experts who advocated for more than two years to create more inclusive public policies for women, including those with disabilities.
Compiled from: Carlos Rios Espinosa, "Protect Women with Disabilities from Violence in Mexico," Human Rights Watch, Nov. 25, 2023.