After a ten day visit to Moldova, a UN Working Group emphasized the need to increase gender equality and protections for women’s rights in the country. The independent experts found a number of obstacles hindering the enforcement of national laws on domestic violence and human trafficking. They expressed concern about gender bias in investigations and prosecutions of rape and sexual assault, and highlighted various unfair employment practices.
Employers were found to discriminate against women with children or women over the age of 45, and various women were dismissed from their jobs when they became pregnant. The experts pointed to the de-facto wage gap between men and women in Moldova as one signal of the discrimination that impedes women from full and equal participation in the labor force. At all levels of decision-making women were underrepresented and stereotyped because of their gender, facing stigmatization and discrimination.
The Working Group recommended that the Moldovan government establish gender sensitive periodic monitoring and undertake a review of employment practices. More attention must be given to effectively protecting the rights of Roma women and women marginalized because of their religion, disability, migrant status or sexuality.
In June 2013, the Working Group will provide the final results of their study and their recommendations to the United Nations Human Rights Council.