Mobilising for Rights Associates recently published a new report entitled “Promoting State Responsibility for Sexual Violence Against Women (SVAW) in Morocco.” It highlights the State’s response to sexual violence against women and the impact of current laws on SVAW cases. The report features interviews with victims of sexual violence from Morocco, the results of an online survey, case file reviews, and more.
The report identifies gaps in Law 103-13 on the Elimination of Violence against Women and disparities in the response to SVAW. Laws and procedures on sexual violence do not take into account the realities of sexual violence, and the response of key actors focuses primarily on the dynamics of the relationship. Reporting is also low due to the prevalence of victim-blaming and reprisals. MRA has offered several recommendations such as addressing gaps in current laws and barriers women face to reporting sexual violence, implementing protection measures, and ensuring that the priorities raised by women are reflected in the States response to SVAW.
Compiled from: Promoting State Responsibility for Sexual Violence Against Women in Morocco, Mobilising for Rights Associates (January 2021).