UN Women has released a new report that provides “actionable” recommendations for fulfilling the gender equality goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Specifically, the report “demonstrates through evidence, new data and analysis how women and girls are faring across the world, and what it will take to achieve the [seventeen] Sustainable Development Goals.” It highlights the many challenges faced by women and girls due to poverty, early marriage, lack of education, conflict and violence, challenges that make it much more difficult for countries to grow peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous communities. UN Women says the new report demonstrates that, “unless progress on gender equality is significantly accelerated, the global community will not be able to keep its promise. This is an urgent signal for action.”
Key recommendations include integrated policies that help women in multiple ways, such as providing universal child-care to allow women to complete their educations and access better paying jobs. This would also lead to improved health and educational outcomes for children. In addition, the report calls for more and “better” data on how the UN’s goals impact women and girls, more financing for poorer countries, and says that member states be held accountable for their gender equality commitments.
The full report, “Turning promises into action: Gender equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” is available on UN Women’s website.
Complied from: New UN Women report uncovers significant gaps for women’s empowerment and puts forth robust agenda to shift gears, UN Women News (February14, 2018).