Press Release
KYIV, 2 October 2007 - More than 200 Ukrainian judges are learning about how to best combat human trafficking in a series of eight OSCE-organized regional training sessions, the first of which ended today.
The two-day training sessions aim to help the Ukrainian judiciary address gaps in the prosecution of traffickers and the protection of the victims. Participants will discuss national legislation and international instruments, current trends and existing court practices as well as protection of victims' rights.
"These courses, which use the best national and international practices as a guide, are essential to ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice and victims' rights are secured," said Ambassador James F. Schumaker, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
Iryna Voytuk, President of the Academy of Judges of Ukraine, added: "The continued increase in the number of trafficking cases investigated by law enforcement in Ukraine puts greater responsibility on the judiciary to develop the competence and skills to prosecute this crime. It is also very important to bear in mind the needs and interests of the victims, whose testimony is so crucial."
The courses are taught by practicing judges who are also professors at the Academy of Judges of Ukraine, as well as by experts from the Interior Ministry and from local NGOs.
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator is organizing the courses together with the Academy of Judges of Ukraine.
Published in: "Press Release: OSCE Ukraine Office Holds Training Sessions for Judges on Fighting Human Trafficking," The Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 2 October 2007.