The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and Norway Grants are hosting a conference on the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Bratislava, Slovak Republic on 29 November 2011. The day-long event is being held to raise awareness of the Convention, which was adopted in April 2011, in order to encourage member states to sign and ratify the Convention. Additionally, the conference will address how to best enact prevention, protection, and prosecution once the Convention becomes national law.
Since effecting change is best accomplished when done across multiple agencies, the conference is targeting all stakeholders and professionals who work with victims of domestic violence. The Ministry and Norway Grants invites ministers of Justice and Equal Opportunity, representatives of equality commissions, and members of national parliaments to attend the event. Representatives of national human rights institutions and NGOs are also encouraged to join, as are members of the media.
Cheryl Thomas of The Advocates for Human Rights, Women’s Human Rights Program will be participating at the conference on domestic violence.
Compiled from: Regional Conference on Effective Ways To Prevent and Combat Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (2011).