The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, and the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment have concluded a joint visit to Moldova, where both found signs of progress and areas of continuing concern. In a joint statement, the Special Rapporteurs mentioned as a positive development the passage of a law on preventing and combating family violence, which will enter into force on 18 September 2008. The law contains provisions allowing for the grant of protective orders, improving cooperation between government and civil society organizations, recognizing the protection of a victim’s security as a human rights principle, and creating the possibility of third-party complaints. Still, the Special Rapporteurs noted their concern that domestic violence is widespread and accepted as a normal part of family life in Moldova; only when it results in serious injury is legal intervention considered to be warranted. With only one shelter for domestic violence victims and their children, Moldova’s protective infrastructure is clearly lacking. In addition, the country’s economic crisis has increased women’s vulnerability to human trafficking and work in slave-like conditions.
In their preliminary recommendations, the Special Rapporteurs stressed the need for a national database on violence against women and a report on its prevalence, as well as increased international efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking.
For the full statement by the Special Rapporteurs, click here.
Compiled from: “UN Experts on Torture and Violence Against Women Conclude Joint Visit to Moldova,” United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 11 July 2008.