The UN should strengthen and update its approach to combating modern slavery associated with armed conflict and migration, according to a new report from the anti-trafficking organization the Freedom Fund. The report’s authors say the current UN approach to eliminating human trafficking is often fragmented, poorly funded and unequal to the challenge of protecting vulnerable migrants and refugees displaced by war and civil conflict. The authors conclude, “[w]ithout more attention to frontline humanitarian action on slavery and trafficking, as well as significantly increased coordination and leadership within the UN and a broader approach to accountability and consequences, positive intentions will fail to translate into real change for the victims of modern slavery.”
The full report, “Modern slavery and trafficking in conflict: The UN’s response,” is available on the Freedom Fund’s website.
Compiled from: Bacchi, Umberto, New U.N. role needed to fight human trafficking in conflict: experts, Reuters (November 13, 2016); Modern Slavery And Trafficking In Conflict: The UN’s Response, The Freedom Fund News (November 14, 2016).