The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has released its “State of the World Report 2015,” which focuses on protecting women and girls from violence and death during emergencies. UNFPA Director, Dr. Babtunde Osotimehin, said that safety from violence is a basic human right that does not “just go away” in times of crisis. War, armed conflict, natural disasters and migration all increase women’s risk of sexual violence, domestic violence, gender discrimination and health complications during pregnancy and birth. The UNFPA's report found that in these situations, women have little protection against violence and that access to health care and other essential services is poor, with “60 percent of preventable maternal deaths [occurring] among women struggling to survive conflicts, natural disasters and displacement.” The UNFPA has called for a “transformative shift, away from reaction and towards prevention, preparedness and empowerment” for women and girls in all phases of a crisis.
For a copy of the full UNFPA report, “State of the World Report 2015: Shelter From The Storm, A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world,” please visit UNFPA’s website.
Compiled from: Yakupitiyage, Tharanga, Women’s Health Must be Protected in Crisis Situations, Urges UNFPA, Inter Press Service (December 3, 2015).