United States: Report Finds Violence Against Women Contributes to Gender Pay Gap
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 5:10 PM

A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute found that violence against women is one of six factors that contribute to unequal pay for women in the United States. According the report’s authors, “Women who suffer violence are likely to see an impact on their earning potential due to lost productivity and lost work days." Additionally, the report indicated that domestic violence has a negative impact on how a woman is perceived by her employer. Manipulation and stalking by an abuser can make a woman seem “unreliable” and unstable rather than being seen as a victim of abuse. These negative misperceptions in the workplace influence a victim’s ability to get and keep a job as well as her chances for a promotion or pay raise. Medical bills and expenses to treat the physical, mental and emotional impacts of domestic violence also play a role in reduced earnings for women.

Some states and localities are enacting “safe time” laws to ensure that victims of domestic violence receive paid time off to take care of medical and legal issues that arise because of domestic abuse. The intent of such laws is to help victims take the steps necessary to escape abuse, without having to worry about losing a job.

To access the full report, “The power of parity: Advancing women's equality in the United States,” please visit the McKinsey & Company website.

Compiled from: Roepe, Lisa Rabasca, The Hidden Impact of Domestic Violence On The Gender Wage Gap, Fast Company (August 30, 2016).