New Studies Focused On Impact Of Domestic Violence And Other Forms Of Violence Against Women And Children
Friday, October 20, 2006 12:06 PM

20 October 2006.  New studies have been released that discuss the impact of domestic violence and violence against women and children.  The studies have reviewed various topics and illuminate the pressing issues in each area.

Stalking: Stalking, defined as “being followed, spied on, or communicated with, without consent at a level perceived to be somewhat dangerous or life threatening” has affected seven percent of women and two percent of men in the United States, according to a study from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, August 2006 publication.  This problem affects more people under 55 that are unmarried or not cohabitating. 

Prevalence, Impact of Abuse:  In June 2006, the American Journal of Preventative Medicine also found through a random phone survey that 44% of women were affected by intimate partner violence in their lifetimes, 12% having that experience in the last five years.  The abuse is often ongoing, with 14-53% of women facing it 20 or more times.  Also, 15% of the women were abused by multiple partners.  It lasted for over 20 years for five to nine percent.

The study also focused on some risk factors for abuse, including young age, lower income, single parent, and those who experienced or witnessed abuse as a child.  This study gives more urgency to the health care providers to work at locating women facing abuse in their daily work.

Children who Witness Abuse and Bully:  A study published 19 August 2006 in Pediatrics found that children are more likely to bully and are at a greater risk for depression if they have witnessed violence and abuse at home.  This study found no correlation between victimization by peers and intimate partner violence.

Partner Violence Associated with Homicide and Suicide:  Homicide and suicide are both results of some intimate partner conflict.  The 7 July 2006 publication of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that 32% of homicide victims knew the suspects and 20% of homicides were directly related to partner violence.  The homicide and suicide was most common in the 40-44 age range.  Mental health problems were another factor involved in suicide, but 25% of suicide did involve an issue with a former or current intimate partner.

Asylum Rulings Uneven from Judge to Judge:  The New York Times on 8 October 2006 found that asylum judges are very diverse in their rulings on asylum cases.  In a review of the practices of 208 judges, over ten years, the results ranged from granting ten percent of cases to granting 98 percent.  On average, the judges denied 65% of cases.  The cases sometimes involve women facing gender-based violence.

Compiled from Family Violence Prevention Fund, 16 October 2006.  New Studies Document Prevalence, Cost of Violence, Inadequate Response.  Available