New Resource: UN Women Publishes Guide to CEDAW Convention for Young People
Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:10 AM
UN Women has published a new youth-friendly resource on the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (“CEDAW”). The resource, “CEDAW for Youth,” outlines how young people can contribute to the success of CEDAW by monitoring whether women’s rights are being violated, contributing to official reports on the progress made in the implementation of laws to eliminate violence or discrimination against women, making complaints when women’s rights have been violated, becoming aware of gender equality issues and stereotypes that contribute to gender inequality, and promoting “equality, inclusion and respect”. The new resource also outlines how CEDAW supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as “gender equality is recognized as a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development”.
As of 2016, 189 countries have ratified CEDAW, which requires state parties to eliminate all forms of discrimination against girls and women. A copy of the full report is available on the UN Women website.
Compiled from: Convention On The Elimination Of All Form Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) For Youth, UN Women Publications (December 2016).