"The Monitoring of Using Legal Protection Mechanisms with Respect to the Law on 'Prevention of the Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance of the Victims of the Domestic Violence'" has been issued by the Georgian Young Lawyers Association, with the support of ABA/RULI.
This report summarizes Georgia's domestic violence law, which passed in May of 2006. It states that 271 restrictive (emergency) orders were requested in Tblisi and other regions from September 2006 to June 2007, as reported by the police, prosecutors and city courts, and of these, 244 were granted by the courts.
The report states that 11 protective orders were issued during that time by city and regional administrative boards.
Most of the violence was psychological, followed by physical. 224 of the victims were women and 34 were men. There was only one reported case of a criminal prosecution against an offender for violating a protective order.
The authors concluded that progress has been slow because of traditional approaches and the lack of an effective strategy, but full implementation with a public awareness campaign should improve the effectiveness of the law, especially in the regions.
The report was published in both Georgian and English. The English version begins on page 17.
For the complete report, click here.